Estudo de Atos 23:23 – Comentado e Explicado

Depois disso, chamou ele dois centuriões e disse-lhes: Preparai duzentos soldados, setenta cavaleiros e duzentos lanceiros para irem a Cesaréia à terceira hora da noite.
Atos 23:23

Comentário de Albert Barnes

And he called unto him two centurions … – Each centurion had under him 100 men. The chief captain resolved to place Paul beyond the power of the Jews, and to protect him as became a Roman citizen.

Two hundred soldiers – These foot soldiers were designed only to guard Paul until he was safely out of Jerusalem. The horsemen only were intended to accompany him to Caesarea. See Acts 23:32 .

And horsemen – These were commonly attached to foot soldiers. In this case, however, they were designed to attend Paul to Caesarea.

And spearmen – de????a´ß??? dexiolabousThis word is found nowhere else in the New Testament, and occurs in no Classical writer. It properly means those who take, or apprehend by the right hand; and might be applied to those who apprehend prisoners, or to those who hold a spear or dart in the right hand for the purpose of throwing it. Some have conjectured that it should be read de???ß?´???? dexiobolous- those who cast or throw (a spear) with the right hand. So the Vulgate, the Syriac, and the Arabic understand it. They were probably those who were armed with spears or darts, and who attended on the tribune as a guard.

At the third hour of the night – At nine o’clock. This was in order that it might be done with secrecy, and to elude the band of desperadoes that had resolved to murder Paul. If it should seem that this guard was very numerous for one man, it should be remembered:

(1)That the number of those who had conspired against him was also large; e,

(2)That they were men accustomed to scenes of blood; men of desperate characters who had solemnly sworn that they would take his life.

In order, therefore, to deter them effectually from attacking the guard, it was made very numerous and strong. Nearly 500 men were appointed to guard Paul as he left Jerusalem.

Comentário de E.W. Bullinger

ele chamou = tendo chamado.

dois = certos (grego. tis . App-123.) dois.

dizendo = ele disse.

to = tanto quanto. Grego. heos . Cerca de setenta milhas.

Cesaréia . Veja nota em Atos 8:40 .

cavaleiros . Grego. hipopótamo. Somente aqui e Atos 23:32 .

lanceiros . Grego. dexiolabos. Só aqui. Algumas tropas armadas leves são destinadas.

at = de. Grego. apo. App-104. A terceira hora da noite era 21h, e ninguém poderia prosseguir até que os portões estivessem abertos às 6h.

Comentário de Adam Clarke

Duzentos soldados – St?at??ta? , infantaria ou soldados de infantaria.

Cavaleiros sessenta e dez – Sempre havia um certo número de cavalos, ou cavalaria, presos ao pé.

Lanceiros ?e????aß??? , Pessoas que seguravam uma lança ou dardo na mão; de e? t? de??? ?aße?? pegando ou segurando uma coisa na mão direita. Mas o Codex Alexandrinus lê de???ß????? , de de??a , a mão direita, e ßa??e?? , para lançar ou arremessar pessoas que atiravam dardos. Mas ambas as palavras parecem significar quase a mesma coisa.

A terceira hora da noite – Cerca das nove horas da noite, para maior sigilo e para iludir a astúcia e malícia ativa dos judeus.

Referências Cruzadas

Mateus 14:25 – Alta madrugada, Jesus dirigiu-se a eles, andando sobre o mar.

Lucas 12:38 – Mesmo que ele chegue de noite ou de madrugada, felizes os servos que o senhor encontrar preparados.

Atos dos Apóstolos 23:17 – que, chamando um dos centuriões, disse: “Leve este rapaz ao comandante; ele tem algo para lhe dizer”.

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