Estudo de Isaías 11:7 – Comentado e Explicado

a vaca e o urso se fraternizarão, suas crias repousarão juntas, e o leão comerá palha com o boi.
Isaías 11:7

Comentário de Albert Barnes

And the cow and the bear shall feed – That is, together. Animals that by nature do not dwell together, where by nature the one would be the prey of the other, shall dwell together – animage of safety and peace.

And the lion shall eat straw like the ox – A representation of the change that will take place under the reign of the Messiah in the natural disposition of men, and in the aspect of society; as great as if the lion were to lose his natural appetite for blood, and to live on the usual food of the ox. This cannot be taken literally, for such an interpretation would suppose a change in the physical organization of the lion – of his appetites, his teeth, his digestive organs – a change which it would be absurd to suppose will ever exist. It would in fact make him a different being. And it is clear, therefore, that the whole passage is to be interpreted in “moral” sense, as denoting great and important changes in society, and in the hearts of men.

Comentário de Adam Clarke

Neste verso, uma palavra é omitida no texto, ???? yachdav , juntos; que deve ser repetido no segundo hemistich, sendo bastante necessário para o sentido. É, portanto, duas vezes expresso pela Septuaginta e Siríaco.

Comentário de John Wesley

E a vaca e o urso se alimentarão; seus jovens se deitarão juntos; e o leão comerá palha como o boi.

Feed – Juntos, sem nenhum perigo ou medo.

Palha – A grama da terra, como fizeram inicialmente, e não devorará outras criaturas vivas.

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