Estudo de Ezequiel 16:32 – Comentado e Explicado

Tens sido mulher adúltera que acolhe os estranhos em lugar do esposo.
Ezequiel 16:32

Comentário de E.W. Bullinger

Mas como = [Tu tens estado].

Comentário de John Calvin

Some translate it an adulteress under her husband’s roof, and ??? , thecheth , signifies “instead of:” and they explain it thus, that adulteresses do not divorce themselves from their husbands when they violate the marriage bond, but always remain at home for the purpose of admitting strangers; and they think the people’s crime increased by this comparison, that they not only acted deceitfully towards God, but openly revolted from him, and left his home; for many shameless women remain at home, and hide their crimes as far as they can; but when a woman deserts her husband and children, then her case is most deplorable: they think, therefore, that the Prophet is here exaggerating the divorce or revolt of the people from God; but the sense seems better simply to compare them to an adulteress who admits strangers in her husband’s stead: thou art says he , an adulteress who has sent for strange lovers instead of thy husband : for a woman married to a liberal husband is treated by him honorably; and if she seeks lovers from all sides, she is induced by neither avarice nor covetousness, but by her own lusts. In fine, as the Prophet lately said that they despised all gain through being blinded by their appetites, so he now says they were like an adulteress who rejects her husband; and not only so, but throws herself into the protection of others, while she has an honorable and happy home.

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