Estudo de Jó 6:18 – Comentado e Explicado

O mar, entretanto, se agitava, porque soprava um vento rijo.
Jó 6:18

Comentário de Albert Barnes

The paths of their way are turned aside – Noyes renders this, “The caravans turn aside to them on their way.” Good, “The outlets of their channel wind about.” Rosenmuller, “The bands of travelers direct their journey to them.” Jerome, “Involved are the paths of their steps.” According to the interpretation of Rosenmuller, Noyes, Umbreit, and others, it means that the caravans on their journey turn aside from their regular way in order to find water there; and that in doing it they go up into a desert and perish. According to the other interpretation, it means that the channels of the stream wind along until they diminish and come to nothing. This latter I take to be the true sense of the passage, as it is undoubtedly the most poetical. It is a representation of the stream winding along in its channels, or making new channels as it flows from the mountain, until it diminishes by evaporation, and finally comes to nothing.

They go to nothing – Noyes renders this very singularly, “into the desert,” – meaning that the caravans, when they suppose they are going to a place of refreshment, actually go to a desert, and thus perish. The word used here, however ??? to^hu^ does not occur in the sense of a desert elsewhere in the Scriptures. It denotes nothingness, emptiness, vanity (see Genesis 1:2 ), and very appropriately expresses the nothingness into which a stream vanishes when it is dried up or lost in the sand. The sense is, that those streams wander along until they become smaller and smaller, and then wholly disappear. They deceive the traveler who hoped to find refreshment there. Streams depending on snows and storms, and having no permanent fountains, cannot be confided in. Pretended friends are like them. In times of prosperity they are full of professions, and their aid is proffered to us. But we go to them when we need their assistance, when we are like the weary and thirsty traveler, and they disappear like deceitful streams in the sands of the desert.

Comentário de Thomas Coke

Jó 6:18 . Os caminhos do caminho são desviados Aqui está um clímax nobre, uma descrição mais poética das torrentes em climas quentes. Com um frio extraordinário, eles são congelados; mas o sol, logo que exerce seu poder, derrete; e são exalados pelo calor, até que a corrente, por pequenez, seja desviada para muitos canais; ainda dura um pouco, mas logo se evapora e se perde. Heath.

Comentário de E.W. Bullinger

para nada em um desperdício. Hebraico. tohu, como em Gênesis 1: 2 .

Comentário de Adam Clarke

Os caminhos do caminho – às vezes abandonam seus canais antigos, o que é um caso frequente no rio Ganges; e, cada vez menores, ao serem divididos em numerosos riachos, eles não dão em nada e perecem – finalmente estão totalmente perdidos nas areias.

Comentário de John Wesley

Os caminhos de seu caminho são desviados; eles não dão em nada e perecem.

Perecer – Eles saíram de seu canal, fluindo de um lado para outro, até serem consumidos.

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