Estudo de Oséias 7:15 – Comentado e Explicado

Eu os adverti e fortifiquei seus braços, mas eles meditam o mal contra mim.
Oséias 7:15

Comentário de Albert Barnes

Though I have bound – Rather, (as in the E. M) “And I have chastened, I have strenghened their arms, and they imagine mischief against Me.” God had tried all ways with them, but it was all one. He chastened them in love, and in love He strengthened them; He brought the enemy upon them, (as aforetime in the days of the Judges,) and He gave them strength to repel the enemy; as He raised up judges of old, and lately had fulfilled His promise which He had made to Joash through Elisha. Mas foi tudo em vão. Whatever God did, Israel was still the same. All only issued in further evil. The prophet sums up in four words all God’s varied methods for their recovery, and then sets over against them the one result, fresh rebellion on the part of His creatures and His people.

They imagine – Or “devise mischief against Me.” The order in the Hebrew is emphatic, “and against Me they devise evil;” ie, “against Me,” who had thus tried all the resources and methods of divine wisdom to reclaim them, “they devise evil.” These are words of great condescension. For the creature can neither hurt nor profit the Creator. But since God vouchsafed to be their King, He deigned to look upon their rebellions, as so many efforts to injure Him. All God’s creatures are made for His glory, and on earth, chiefly man; and among men, chiefly those whom He had chosen as His people. In that, then, they set themselves to diminish that glory, giving to idols (see Isaiah 42:8 ), they, as far as in them lay, “devised evil against” Him. Man would dethrone God, if he could.

Comentário de Thomas Coke

Oséias 7:15 . Embora eu tenha ligado, etc. – Mas os castigarei. Eu reforcei seus braços, mas eles fizeram, & c.

Comentário de John Wesley

Embora eu tenha amarrado e fortalecido seus braços, eles imaginam travessuras contra mim.

Preso – Como um cirurgião liga um membro fraco ou um membro quebrado; Deus fez assim a Efraim, quando os sírios e outros inimigos quebraram os braços.

Imagine travessuras – Eles planejam travessuras contra meus profetas, e soltaram as rédeas a todas as impiedades.

Comentário de Adam Clarke

Embora eu tenha amarrado e fortalecido seus braços – Se eu os tratava com juízo ou misericórdia, era tudo um; em todas as circunstâncias eles se rebelaram contra mim.

Comentário de E.W. Bullinger

Embora eu tenha ligado = Embora eu, até eu, tenha avisado (ou instruído). Compare Salmos 18:34 ; Salmos 144: 1 .

Comentário de John Wesley

Embora eu tenha amarrado e fortalecido seus braços, eles imaginam travessuras contra mim.

Preso – Como um cirurgião liga um membro fraco ou um membro quebrado; Deus fez assim a Efraim, quando os sírios e outros inimigos quebraram os braços.

Imagine travessuras – Eles planejam travessuras contra meus profetas, e soltaram as rédeas a todas as impiedades.

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