Vós sois meu abrigo e meu escudo; vossa palavra é minha esperança.
Salmos 119:114
Comentário de Albert Barnes
Tu és o meu esconderijo – Veja as notas no Salmo 32: 7 , onde a mesma expressão ocorre.
E meu escudo – Veja Salmo 5:12 , nota; Salmo 84:11 , note.
Espero na tua palavra – Veja Salmos 119: 74 , Salmo 119: 81 .
Comentário de Thomas Coke
Salmos 119: 114 . Esconderijo – Ou, Encoberto.
Comentário de E.W. Bullinger
esconderijo. Compare Salmos 32: 7 ; Salmos 91: 1 . escudo. Compare os Salmos 84: 9 e observe. Figura do discurso Anthropopatheia. App-6.
Comentário de Adam Clarke
Mv esconderijo – meu asilo.
E meu escudo – Há um tempo em que posso ser chamado a sofrer em segredo; então tu me escondeste. Pode haver um tempo em que você me chame para lutar; então tu és meu Escudo e Protetor.
Comentário de John Calvin
114. Thou art my hiding place and my shield. The meaning is, that the prophet, persuaded that the only way in which he could be safe, was by lying hid under the wings of God, confided in his promises, and, therefore, feared nothing. And, assuredly, the first point is, that the faithful should hold it as a settled principle, that amidst the many dangers to which they are exposed, the preservation of their life is entirely owing to the protection of God; in order that they may be excited to flee to him, and leaning upon his word, may confidently wait for the deliverance which he has promised. This confidence, That God is our refuge and our shield, is, no doubt, derived from the word; but we must remember that there is here a mutual relation — that, when we have learned from the word of God that we have in him a safe hiding-place, this truth is to be cherished and confirmed in our hearts, under a consciousness of our absolute need of the divine protection. Besides, although his power ought abundantly to suffice in inspiring us with the hope of salvation, yet we should always set the word before us, that our faith may not fail when his aid is slow in coming.