Estudo de Salmos 119:138 – Comentado e Explicado

Promulgastes vossas prescrições com toda a justiça, em toda a verdade.
Salmos 119:138

Comentário de Albert Barnes

Thy testimonies that thou hast commanded – Thy law, considered as a testimony as to what is right and best.

Are righteous and very faithful – Margin, as in Hebrew, “righteousness and faithfulness.” They are “so” righteous, and so deserving of confidence – so certain to be accomplished, and so worthy to be trusted in – that they may be spoken of as “righteousness” and “fidelity” of the most perfect kind; the very essence of that which is right.

Comentário de E.W. Bullinger

justo e muito fiel = justiça e fidelidade.

Comentário de Adam Clarke

Teus testemunhos – Tudo o que procede de ti participa das perfeições da tua natureza.

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