Estudo de Salmos 37:22 – Comentado e Explicado

porque aqueles que o Senhor abençoa possuirão a terra, mas os que ele amaldiçoa serão destruídos.
Salmos 37:22

Comentário de Albert Barnes

For such as be blessed of him – They who are his true friends.

Shall inherit the earth – See Psalm 37:9 .

And they that be cursed of him – His enemies.

Shall be cut off – Psalm 37:9 . This verse suggests a thought of great importance, in advance of that which had been suggested before. It is that, after all, the difference in the ultimate condition of the two depends on the question whether they have, or have not, “the favor of the Lord.” It is not on the mere fact of their own skill, but it is on the fact that the one has secured the divine favor, and that the other has not. It is not by mere human virtue, irrespective of God, that the result is determined; but it is that one is the friend of God, and the other not. This consideration will be found in the end to enter essentially into all the distinctions in the final condition of mankind.

Comentário de E.W. Bullinger

do. Genitivo da Causa = por: ie Seus abençoados.

Comentário de Adam Clarke

Herdará a terra – ??? arets a terra, como antes. Veja Salmo 37:11 .

Será cortado – Um judeu perverso terá o mesmo destino que um babilônico perverso; e um cristão perverso não se sairá melhor.

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