Estudo de Salmos 60:11 – Comentado e Explicado

Dai-nos auxílio contra o inimigo, porque é vão qualquer socorro humano.
Salmos 60:11

Comentário de Albert Barnes

Give us help from trouble – From the troubles which have now come upon us and overwhelmed us.

For vain is the help of man – Margin, salvation. The idea is, that they would look in vain to man to assist them in their present difficulties. They must depend on God alone. What is here said of temporal troubles is true as absolutely in the matter of salvation. When we are burdened with the consciousness of guilt, and trembling under the apprehension of the wrath to come, it is not man that can aid us. Our help is in God alone. Man can neither guide, comfort, pardon, nor save; and in vain should we look to any man, or to all people, for aid. We must look to God alone: to God as the only one who can remove guilt from the soul; who can give peace to the troubled heart; who can deliver us – from condemnation and ruin.

Comentário de E.W. Bullinger

ajuda do problema = socorro do problema.

ajuda do homem = salvação ou libertação do homem. Compare “salvar” , Salmos 60: 5 .

Comentário de Adam Clarke

Ajude-nos com os problemas: em vão é a ajuda do homem – fizemos tudo o que podemos e confiamos demais em nós mesmos; agora, Senhor, comprometa-se por nós.

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