Estudo de Salmos 40:14 – Comentado e Explicado

Sejam confundidos e humilhados os que procuram arrebatar-me a vida. Recuem e corem de vergonha os que se comprazem com meus males.
Salmos 40:14

Comentário de Albert Barnes

Let them be ashamed and confounded together – See at Psalm 35:4 , note; Psalm 35:26 , note. This may be understood here rather as a confident expectation than a wish or desire. It implies the certainty that they would thus be ashamed and confounded; that is, that they would not be successful, or would be foiled in their purposes. But understood as a wish or prayer, it could not be improper. There is no sin in the wish that the wicked may not be successful in their plans, and may not be suffered to injure us. As the language of the Messiah it was in every way an appropriate prayer that the purposes of those who would defeat his design in coming into the world might be foiled – for on the execution of that design depended the salvation of a lost race.

That seek after my soul to destroy it – That seek after my life; that would destroy me. That is, they seek to kill me; they would take my life before the full time is come. As understood of the Messiah, this would refer to the times when his life was in danger, as it often was, before the full period had arrived for him to die: John 7:6 ; Matthew 26:18 . The purpose of his enemies was to take his life; to prevent the spread of his doctrines; to cheek him in his work. The taking of his life at any time before the full period had arrived, or in any other way than that in which he had purposed to lay it down, would have been a defeat of his work, since in the plan of salvation it was contemplated that he should die at a certain time, and in a certain manner – that he should die at the time which had been predicted by the prophets, and in such a mode as to make an atonement for sin. All this would have been defeated if, before that time came, he had been put to death by stoning, or in any of the numerous ways in which his life was threatened.

Let them be driven backward, and put to shame, that wish me evil – Turned backward, as they are who are unsuccessful, or are defeated. Compare John 18:6 .

Comentário de E.W. Bullinger

alma. Hebraico. nephesh. App-13.

Referências Cruzadas

Salmos 9:3 – Quando os meus inimigos contigo se defrontam, tropeçam e são destruídos.

Salmos 31:17 – Não permitas que eu seja humilhado, Senhor, pois tenho clamado a ti; mas que os ímpios sejam humilhados e calados fiquem no Sheol.

Salmos 35:4 – Sejam humilhados e desprezados os que procuram matar-me; retrocedam envergonhados aqueles que tramam a minha ruína.

Salmos 35:26 – Sejam humilhados e frustrados todos os que se divertem à custa do meu sofrimento; cubram-se de vergonha e desonra todos os que se acham superiores a mim.

Salmos 70:2 – Sejam humilhados e frustrados os que procuram tirar-me a vida; retrocedam desprezados os que desejam a minha ruína.

Salmos 71:13 – Pereçam humilhados os meus acusadores; sejam cobertos de zombaria e vergonha os que querem prejudicar-me.

Isaías 41:11 – “Todos os que o odeiam certamente serão humilhados e constrangidos; aqueles que se opõem a você serão como nada e perecerão.

Isaías 45:24 – Dirão a meu respeito: ‘Somente no Senhor estão a justiça e a força’. ” Todos os que o odeiam virão a ele e serão envergonhados.

Mateus 21:38 – “Mas quando os lavradores viram o filho, disseram uns aos outros: ‘Este é o herdeiro. Venham, vamos matá-lo e tomar a sua herança’.

João 18:6 – Quando Jesus disse: “Sou eu”, eles recuaram e caíram por terra.

Atos dos Apóstolos 9:4 – Ele caiu por terra e ouviu uma voz que lhe dizia: “Saulo, Saulo, por que você me persegue? “

Atos dos Apóstolos 12:23 – Visto que Herodes não glorificou a Deus, imediatamente um anjo do Senhor o feriu; e ele morreu comido por vermes.

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