Estudo de Daniel 2:42 – Comentado e Explicado

Mas os dedos, metade de ferro e metade de barro, mostram que esse reino será ao mesmo tempo sólido e frágil.
Daniel 2:42

Comentário de Albert Barnes

And as the toes of the feet were part of iron and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken – Margin, “brittle.” The margin is the more correct rendering of the Chaldee word ( ????? tebi^yra^h ). It means “frail, fragile” – easily broken, but not necessarily that it was actually broken. That did not occur until the stone cut out of the mountain impinged on it. It has been commonly supposed (comp. Newton “on the Prophecies”), that the ten toes on the feet refer to the ten kingdoms into which the Roman empire was ultimately broken up, corresponding with the ten horns seen in the vision of Daniel, in Daniel 7:7 . In regard to the fact that the Roman empire was ultimately broken up into ten such kingdoms, see the extended notes at Daniel 7:24 . The thing which struck the monarch in the vision, and Daniel in the interpretation, as remarkable, was that the feet and toes “were composed partly of iron and partly of clay.”

In the upper portion of the image there had been uniformity in the different parts, and had been no intermingling of metals. Here a new feature was seen – not only that a new metal was employed, but that there was intermingled with that, in the same portion of the image, a different substance, and one that had no affinity with the iron, and that could never be made to blend with it. In the latter part of this verse, the original word for “partly” is not the same in each clause. In the former it is ?????? minqetsa^th – properly “from the end,” sc., of the kingdom. Compare Daniel 12:13 , “At the end of the days;” Daniel 1:15 , “At the end of ten days;” and Daniel 2:5 , Daniel 2:18 . The word “might” be employed to denote the “end” or “extremity” of anything, eg, in respect to “time,” and some have supposed that there is a reference here to the later periods of the Roman empire. See Poole’s “Synopsis.”

But the word is also used to denote “the sum,” or “the whole number;” and then the phrase is equivalent to “a part – as” eg, in the phrase ?????? ??? ??? ???? miqetsa^t kele¯y be¯yth ha^’elohi^ym – from the sum of the vessels of the house of God” Daniel 1:2 ; that is, a portion of the whole number, or a part. Compare Nehemiah 7:70 , “from the sum of the heads of the fathers;” that is, a part of them. In the latter part of the clause it is ??? mi^nna^h – “from it;” that is, a part of it; partly. The entire phrase means that one part of the whole would be strong, and one part would be fragile. The reference is not to the “time” when this would occur, but to the “fact” that it would be so. The idea in this verse does not vary materially from that in the former, except that in that, the prominent thought is, that there would be “strength” in the kingdom: in this, the idea is, that while there would be strength in the kingdom, there would be also the elements of weakness.

Comentário de E.W. Bullinger

parte = uma parte [deles], ou alguns deles. Chaldee. min .

parcialmente = em parte ou no final. Chaldee. ketzath, como em Daniel 4:29 (hebraico, versículo 26), Daniel 4:34 (hebraico, versículo 31). Ocorre apenas nesses três lugares. Compare o kezath hebraico ( Daniel 1: 2 com Daniel 1: 5 , Daniel 1:15 , Daniel 1:18 ).

parcialmente quebrado = parte [dele será] quebrada.

quebrado = frágil, facilmente quebrado. Chaldee. tebar. Ocorre apenas aqui.

Comentário de John Wesley

E como os dedos dos pés eram parte de ferro e parte de barro, o reino será parcialmente forte e parcialmente quebrado.

Quebrado – Isso ficou claro nas guerras civis dos romanos e na queda de alguns países, especialmente no final.

Referências Cruzadas

Daniel 7:24 – Os dez chifres são dez reis que sairão desse reino. Depois deles um outro rei se levantará, e será diferente dos primeiros reis.

Apocalipse 13:1 – Vi uma besta que saía do mar. Tinha dez chifres e sete cabeças, com dez coroas, uma sobre cada chifre, e em cada cabeça um nome de blasfêmia.

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