Estudo de 1 Coríntios 12:29 – Comentado e Explicado

São todos apóstolos? São todos profetas? São todos doutores?
1 Coríntios 12:29

Comentário de Albert Barnes

Are all apostles? … – These questions imply, with strong emphasis, that it could not be, and ought not to be, that there should be perfect equality of endowment. It was not a matter of fact that all were equal, or that all were qualified for the offices which others sustained. Whether the arrangement was approved of or not, it was a simple matter of fact that some were qualified to perform offices which others were not; that some were endowed with the abilities requisite to the apostolic office, and others not; that some were endowed with prophetic gifts, and others were not; that some had the gift of healing, or the talent of speaking different languages, or of interpreting and that others had not.

Comentário de E.W. Bullinger

Are . Todas essas sete perguntas são apresentadas por mim (App-105).

trabalhadores de . Não há palavras para “trabalhadores” . Figura do discurso Elipse. App-6.

Comentário de John Calvin

29. Are all Apostles ? It may indeed have happened, that one individual was endowed with many gifts, and sustained two of the offices which he has enumerated; nor was there in this any inconsistency. Paul’s object, however, is to show in the first place, that no one has such a fullness in everything as to have a sufficiency within himself, and not require the aid of others; and secondly, that offices as well as gifts are distributed in such a manner that no one member constitutes the whole body, but each contributing his portion to the common advantage, they then altogether constitute an entire and perfect body. For Paul means here to take away every occasion of proud boasting, base envyings, haughtiness, and contempt of the brethren, malignity, ambition, and everything of that nature.

Comentário de Adam Clarke

São todos apóstolos, etc. – Ou seja: nem todos são apóstolos, nem todos são profetas, etc .; Deus distribuiu seus vários dons entre várias pessoas, cada uma das quais é necessária para a completa edificação do corpo de Cristo. Sobre esses assuntos, veja as notas em 1 Coríntios 12: 7-10 ; (Nota).

Comentário de Thomas Coke

1 Coríntios 12:29 . São todos apóstolos? Parece que esse temperamento desagradável não foi extirpado entre os coríntios, mesmo com essa justa e animada exposição: Clemens Romanus, escrevendo para eles muitos anos depois, reclama de sua prevalência contínua, levando-os a negligenciar o devido respeito por aqueles presbíteros que foram fixados pela direção divina entre eles e expulsá-los de seu ofício episcopal. Veja sua epístola aos coríntios, seita. 44

Referências Cruzadas

1 Coríntios 12:4 – Há diferentes tipos de dons, mas o Espírito é o mesmo.

1 Coríntios 12:14 – O corpo não é composto de um só membro, mas de muitos.

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