Estudo de Mateus 13:51 – Comentado e Explicado

Compreendestes tudo isto? Sim, Senhor, responderam eles.
Mateus 13:51

Comentário de Joseph Benson

Mateus 13: 51-52 . Jesus disse: Você já entendeu todas essas coisas? – Também as parábolas das quais não lhe expliquei em particular, como as que expliquei? Assim, um professor consciencioso perguntará de maneira sedutora sobre o lucro de seus ouvintes. Eles lhe dizem: Sim, Senhor – nós os compreendemos. Então ele disse: Todo escriba instruído para o reino dos céus – isto é, todo pregador devidamente preparado do evangelho é semelhante a um homem que é morador de casa, etc. – Possui um tesouro de conhecimento divino, do qual ele é capaz de produzir todo tipo de instruções. Por essa semelhança, nosso Senhor mostrou a seus discípulos o uso que eles deviam fazer do conhecimento que haviam adquirido, seja da antiga revelação que lhes fora feita pelos profetas, ou da nova que Jesus era o autor e dispensador. Como se ele tivesse dito: Como o sábio mestre de uma família, que possui muitas provisões, os apresenta como as ocasiões de sua família exigem, assim como todo ministro capaz do evangelho, fora das reservas de seu conhecimento. , deve apresentar instruções adequadas às necessidades de seus ouvintes. A palavra tesouro significa qualquer coleção de coisas e os locais onde essas coleções são mantidas.

Comentário de E.W. Bullinger

Jesus disse-lhes. Todos os textos omitem esta cláusula.

Senhor. Todos os textos omitem “Senhor” aqui.

Comentário de John Calvin

51. Have you understood all these things? We must keep in recollection what we have formerly seen, that all the parables of Christ were explained in private. And now the Lord, after having taught them in this kind and familiar manner, warns them at the same time, that his object, in taking so much pains to instruct them, was not merely that they might be well informed, (234) but that they might communicate to others what they had received. In this way he whets and excites their minds more and more to desire instruction. He says that teachers are like householders, who are not only careful about their own food, but have a store laid up for the nourishment of others; and who do not live at ease as to the passing day, but make provision for a future and distant period. The meaning, therefore, is, that the teachers of the Church ought to be prepared by long study for giving to the people, as out of a storehouse, (235) a variety of instruction concerning the word of God, as the necessity of the case may require. Many of the ancient expositors understand by things new and old the Law and the Gospel; but this appears to me to be forced. I understand them simply to mean a varied and manifold distribution, wisely and properly adapted to the capacity of every individual.

Comentário de Adam Clarke

Você já entendeu todas essas coisas? – As verdades divinas não devem ser negligenciadas. – A pergunta de Nosso Senhor aqui mostra que são assuntos da maior importância e peso; e que eles devem ser considerados repetidamente, até serem completamente compreendidos.

Comentário de Thomas Coke

Matthew 13:51-52 . Have ye understood, &c.— When Jesus had finished his parables, he asked his disciples if they understood them; and upon their answering in the affirmative, he told them, that every teacher of the Jewish religion, who was converted to Christianity, and made a preacher of the Gospel, might, by reason of the variety of his knowledge and his ability, be compared to a prudent master of a family, who nourishes them with the fruits both of the present and of the preceding years, as their need requires. Our Saviour has given the pattern and example of such a teacher in his discoursecontained in this chapter; and by the similitude of the householder, he shews his disciples the use that they were to make of the knowledge they had acquired, whether from the old revelation transmitted to them by the prophets, or from the new revelation, of which Jesus was, in a more peculiar sense, the author and dispenser. See Macknight and Wetstein. Dr. Clarke in his Sermons, vol. 10: serm. 4 gives the following exposition of the 52nd verse: “Those thoroughly qualified to be successful preachers of the Gospel should be able on all occasions in bring forth out of their memory, as out of a copious storehouse, instructions suited to persons of all capacities.” Concerning the word treasures, see the note on ch. Matthew 2:11 .

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