Estudo de Mateus 13:54 – Comentado e Explicado

Foi para a sua cidade e ensinava na sinagoga, de modo que todos diziam admirados: Donde lhe vem esta sabedoria e esta força miraculosa?
Mateus 13:54

Comentário de E.W. Bullinger

ensinado = estava ensinando

sinagoga. Veja App-120.

this = this [companheiro].

obras poderosas. Plural de dunamis. App-172.

Comentário de John Calvin

54. So that they were amazed. They are struck with amazement at the novelty of the occurrence, that Christ, who had not learned letters, but had been employed from youth to manhood in a mechanical occupation, is so eminent a teacher, and is filled with divine wisdom. In this miracle they ought to have perceived the hand of God; but their ingratitude made them cover themselves with darkness. (346) They are compelled to admire him, whether they will or not; and yet they treat him with contempt. And what is this but to reject a prophet whom God has taught, because he has not been educated by men? They cut their throat by means of their own acknowledgment, when they render so honorable a testimony to the doctrine of Christ, which after all has no influence on them, because it does not take its origin, in the usual way, from the earth. Why do they not rather lift their eyes to heaven, and learn that what exceeds human reason must have come from God?

Besides, the miracles, which were added to the doctrine, ought to have affected them the more powerfully, or at least to have aroused them from their excessive carelessness and stupidity to glorify God; for certainly, when God adopts unwonted methods of procedure, so much the more clearly does he display the power of his hand. And yet this was the very reason why the inhabitants of Nazareth maliciously drew a veil over their eyes. We see, then, that it is not mere ignorance that hinders men, but that, of their own accord, they search after grounds of offense, to prevent them from following the path to which God invites. We ought rather to argue in the opposite way, that, when human means fail, the power of God is clearly revealed to us, and ought to receive undivided praise.

Comentário de Adam Clarke

E quando ele entrou em seu próprio país – provavelmente Nazaré, onde seus pais moravam, e onde ele continuou até seu trigésimo ano, embora pareça que ele tinha um alojamento na casa de Pedro em Cafarnaum.

Eles ficaram surpresos – Parece, portanto, que nosso abençoado Senhor viveu na obscuridade todo o tempo acima especificado; pois seus compatriotas parecem não ter ouvido suas doutrinas, nem visto seus milagres, até agora. É uma verdade melancólica que aqueles que deveriam conhecer melhor a Cristo são frequentemente os mais ignorantes de si mesmo, as doutrinas de sua palavra e as operações de seu Espírito.

Comentário de Thomas Coke

Matthew 13:54 . Into his own country Nazareth is so called, because it was the town in which Jesus was brought up, and to distinguish it from Capernaum, where he commonly resided. This wisdom signifies this learning. They were amazed to find in our Lord such extraordinary learning, without having ever been taught by their doctors. These mighty works, in the Greek is d??aµe??, virtues. The word denotes both miracles, and the power of performing them.

Comentário de John Wesley

E quando ele entrou em seu próprio país, ele os ensinou em sua sinagoga, de modo que eles ficaram surpresos, e disse: De onde tem este homem essa sabedoria e essas obras poderosas?

De onde ELE – Muitos textos não são entendidos, por falta de conhecimento da ênfase apropriada; e outros são totalmente incompreendidos, colocando a ênfase errada. Para evitar isso em alguma medida, as palavras enfáticas são aqui impressas em letras maiúsculas. Marcos 6: 1 ; Lucas 4: 16,22 .

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