Estudo de Mateus 24:50 – Comentado e Explicado

o senhor desse servo virá no dia em que ele não o espera e na hora em que ele não sabe,
Mateus 24:50

Comentário de E.W. Bullinger

ciente de = sabe, como em Mateus 24:32 , Mateus 24:33 , Mateus 24:39 .

Comentário de Adam Clarke

The lord of that servant – Here are three punishments which answer to the three characteristics of the bad minister.

  1. A sudden death, and the weight of God’s judgments falling upon him, without a moment to avert it: this answers to his infidelity and forgetfulness. He shall come in a day in which he looked not for him.
  • A separation from the communion of saints, and from all the gifts which he has abused: this answers to the abuse of his authority in the Church of Christ.
  • 3. He shall have tears and eternal pains, in company with all such hypocrites as himself: and this answers to his voluptuous life, pampering the flesh at the expense of his soul.

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