Estudo de Salmos 78:69 – Comentado e Explicado

Construiu seu santuário, qual um céu, estável como a terra, firmada para sempre.
Salmos 78:69

Comentário de Albert Barnes

And he built his sanctuary – His holy place; that is, his tabernacle. The temple was not then built; and, when reared, it was not on Mount Zion, but on Mount Moriah. The name Zion, however, was often given to the whole city.

Like high palaces – The word palaces is not in the original. The Hebrew means simply high places, like hills or mountains. The meaning is, that his sanctuary was exalted, as if it were placed on a high hill. It was a conspicuous object; it could be seen from afar; it was the most prominent thing in the land. See the notes at Isaiah 2:2 .

Like the earth – Permanent and established.

Which he hath established for ever – Margin, as in Hebrew, founded. The earth is often represented as founded or established on a solid basis, and thus becomes an emblem of stability and perpetuity.

Comentário de Joseph Benson

Psalms 78:69 . And he built his sanctuary — The temple of Solomon. David, indeed, erected only a tent for the ark, but a temple was then designed, and preparations were made for building it. Like high palaces — A very stately place, magnificent and glorious. It was built like the palaces of princes, and of the great men of the earth. Nay, it excelled them all in splendour and glory. Like the earth which he hath established for ever — A very stable structure, not to be removed from place to place, as the tabernacle was, but as a fixed mansion for the ark’s perpetual residence, unless the people, by their apostacy, should cause its removal.

Comentário de E.W. Bullinger

Como a terra. Alguns códigos, com duas edições impressas anteriores, Septuaginta, Siríaca e Vulgata, liam ( Beth = in) em vez de ( Kaph = like) = “Na terra” .

Comentário de Adam Clarke

Ele construiu seu santuário como palácios altos – ???? ??? kemo ramim , que várias versões entendem dos monoceros ou rinocerontes. O templo de Deus em Jerusalém era o único na terra e ficava tão proeminente no monte Sião quanto o chifre do unicórnio ou do rinoceronte no focinho. E ali ele estabeleceu sua arca, para não sair mais enquanto o templo durasse. Antes dessa época, era freqüentemente em estado migratório, não apenas no deserto, mas depois na terra prometida. Veja as notas no Salmo 78:60 ; (Nota).

Comentário de John Calvin

69. And built his sanctuary like high places. (368) In this verse, what is intimated is simply this, that Mount Zion was singularly beautified; which, however, ought to be referred to the heavenly pattern. It was not the will of God that the minds of his people should be entirely engrossed with the magnificence of the building, or with the pomp of outward ceremonies; but that they should be elevated to Christ, in whom the truth of the figures of the former economy was exhibited. It is, therefore affirmed, that the sanctuary was built like high places; that is to say, it was conspicuous among all the high mountains: even as Isaiah ( Isaiah 2:2 ,) and Micah, ( Micah 4:1 ,) prophesying of the building of the new and spiritual temple, declare that it “shall be established in the tops of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills.” And it is well known that fortresses were in those days erected upon high places. Zion is next compared to the entire mass of the globe: He hath built his sanctuary like the earth, (369) which he has established for ever. Some regions of the globe are visited by earthquakes, or perish by the opening of the earth, or are agitated by some violent commotion, or undergo some alteration; but the body of the earth itself continues always stable and unchanged, because it rests upon deep foundations. It is, therefore, here taught that the building spoken of was not temporary, like the sumptuous palaces of kings, which fall into ruins during the lapse of time, or are in danger of being destroyed by other means; but that it was founded to stand entire, even to the end of the world. If it is objected that the temple was destroyed by the Chaldeans and Assyrians, the answer is obvious, That the stability celebrated consists in Christ alone; for, if the ancient sanctuary, which was only a figure, is considered merely in itself, without any regard to that which it typified, it will be only an empty shadow. But as God intended it to be a pledge to show that Christ was to come, perpetuity is justly attributed to it. In like manner it is said, in another place, ( Psalms 87:1 ,) “His foundation is in the holy mountains;” and in Isaiah, ( Isaiah 14:32 ,) “The Lord hath founded Zion;” and again, in Psalms 74:2 , God is said “to dwell in mount Zion,” so that it should never be moved.

Referências Cruzadas

1 Samuel 2:8 – Levanta do pó o necessitado e, do monte de cinzas ergue o pobre; ele os faz sentarem-se com príncipes e lhes dá lugar de honra. “Pois os alicerces da terra são do Senhor; sobre eles estabeleceu o mundo.

1 Reis 6:2 – O templo que o rei Salomão construiu para o Senhor media vinte e sete metros de comprimento, nove metros de largura e treze metros e meio de altura.

1 Reis 9:8 – E, embora agora este templo seja imponente, todos os que passarem por ele ficarão espantados e perguntarão: ‘Por que o Senhor fez uma coisa dessas a esta terra e a este templo? ’

1 Crônicas 29:1 – Então o rei Davi disse a toda a assembléia: “Meu filho Salomão, e só ele, foi quem Deus escolheu. Mas ele é jovem e inexperiente e a tarefa é grande, pois o palácio não será feito para homens, mas para o Senhor Deus.

1 Crônicas 29:19 – E dá ao meu filho Salomão um coração íntegro para obedecer aos teus mandamentos, aos teus preceitos e aos teus decretos, a fim de construir este templo para o qual fiz os preparativos necessários”.

2 Crônicas 2:9 – para me fornecerem madeira em grande quantidade, pois é preciso que o templo que vou edificar seja grande e imponente.

2 Crônicas 3:4 – O pórtico da entrada do templo tinha nove metros de largura e nove metros de altura. Ele revestiu de ouro puro o seu interior.

Jó 26:7 – Ele estende os céus do norte sobre o espaço vazio; suspende a terra sobre o nada.

Salmos 102:25 – No princípio firmaste os fundamentos da terra, e os céus são obras das tuas mãos.

Salmos 104:5 – Ele firmou a terra sobre os seus fundamentos para que jamais se abale;

Salmos 119:90 – A tua fidelidade é constante por todas as gerações; estabeleceste a terra, que firme subsiste.

Isaías 48:13 – Minha própria mão lançou os alicerces da terra, e a minha mão direita estendeu os céus; quando eu os convoco, todos juntos se põem de pé.

Isaías 51:6 – Ergam os olhos para os céus, olhem para baixo, para a terra; os céus desaparecerão como fumaça, a terra se gastará como uma roupa, e seus habitantes morrerão como moscas. Mas a minha salvação durará para sempre, a minha retidão jamais falhará.

Colossenses 1:16 – pois nele foram criadas todas as coisas nos céus e na terra, as visíveis e as invisíveis, sejam tronos ou soberanias, poderes ou autoridades; todas as coisas foram criadas por ele e para ele.

Apocalipse 20:11 – Depois vi um grande trono branco e aquele que nele estava assentado. A terra e o céu fugiram da sua presença, e não se encontrou lugar para eles.

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