Estudo de Gênesis 27:42 – Comentado e Explicado

E foram referidas a Rebeca estas palavras do seu filho primogênito. Ela mandou chamar seu filho mais novo, Jacó, e disse-lhe: "Teu irmão Esaú quer matar-te para se vingar de ti.
Gênesis 27:42

Comentário de Adam Clarke

Consola-se, com o propósito de matar-te – ?? ????? mithnachem lecha , que Houbigant torna cogitat super te , ele pensa ou medita para te matar. Esse sentido é bastante natural aqui, mas não parece ser o significado do original; nem o próprio Houbigant dá esse sentido, em seus Racines Hebraiques. Não há dúvida de que Esaú, em seu ódio pelo irmão, sentiu-se satisfeito com o pensamento de que em breve ele teria a oportunidade de vingar seus erros.

Comentário de John Calvin

42. And these words of Esau… were told to Rebekah . Moses now makes a transition to a new subject of history, showing how Jacob, as a wanderer from his father’s house, went into Mesopotamia. Without doubt, it was an exceedingly troublesome and severe temptation to the holy matron, to see that, by her own deed, her son was placed in imminent danger of death. But by faith she wrestled to retain the possession of the grace once received. For, if she had been impelled by a merely womanly attachment to her younger son, it certainly would have been her best and shortest method, to cause the birthright to be restored to Esau: for thus the cause of emulation would have been removed; and he who was burning with grief at the loss of his right, would have had his fury appeased. It is therefore an evidence of extraordinary faith, that Rebekah does not come to any agreement, but persuades her son to become a voluntary exile, and chooses rather to be deprived of his presence, than that he should give up the blessing he had once received. The benediction of the father might now seem illusory; so as to make it appear wonderful that so much should be made of it by Rebekah and Jacob: nevertheless, they were so far from repenting of what they had done, that they do not refuse the bitter punishment of exile, if only Jacob may carry with him the benediction uttered by his father. Moreover, we are taught by this example, that we must bear it patiently, if the cross attends the hope of a better life, as its companion; or even if the Lord adopts us into his family, with this condition, that we should wander as pilgrims without any certain dwelling-place in the world. For, on this account, Jacob is thrust out from his paternal home, where he might quietly have passed his life, and is compelled to migrate to a strange land; because the blessing of God is promised unto him. And as he did not attempt to purchase temporal peace with his brother by the loss of the grace received; so must we beware lest any carnal advantage or any allurements of the world should draw us aside from the course of our vocation: let us rather bear with magnanimity losses of all kinds, so that the anchor of our hope nay remain fixed in heaven. When Rebekah says that Esau consoled himself with the thought, that he would slay his brother; the meaning is, that he could not be pacified by any other means, than by this wicked murder

Referências Cruzadas

Gênesis 37:18 – Mas eles o viram de longe e, antes que chegasse, planejaram matá-lo.

Gênesis 42:21 – Eles se prontificaram a fazer isso e disseram uns aos outros: “Certamente estamos sendo punidos pelo que fizemos a nosso irmão. Vimos como ele estava angustiado, quando nos implorava por sua vida, mas não lhe demos ouvidos; por isso nos sobreveio esta angústia”.

1 Samuel 30:5 – As duas mulheres de Davi também tinham sido levadas: Ainoã de Jezreel, e Abigail de Carmelo, a que fora mulher de Nabal.

Jó 20:12 – “Mesmo que o mal seja doce em sua boca e ele o esconda sob a língua,

Salmos 64:5 – Animam-se uns aos outros com planos malignos, combinam como ocultar as suas armadilhas, e dizem: “Quem as verá? “

Provérbios 2:14 – têm prazer em fazer o mal e exultam com a maldade dos perversos,

Provérbios 4:16 – Pois eles não conseguem dormir enquanto não fazem o mal; perdem o sono se não causarem a ruína de alguém.

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