Estudo de João 1:30 – Comentado e Explicado

É este de quem eu disse: Depois de mim virá um homem, que me é superior, porque existe antes de mim.
João 1:30

Comentário de E.W. Bullinger

do. Todos os textos leem huper (App-104), em vez de peri ( App-104 ).

Eu disse . Veja os versículos: João 1:15 , João 1:27 .

Comentário de John Calvin

30. This is he of whom I said. He comprehends every thing in a few words, when he declares that Christ is the person who, he said, was to be preferred to him; for hence it follows that John is nothing more than a herald sent on his account; and hence again it is evident that Christ is the Messiah. Three things are here stated; for when he says that a man cometh after him, he means that he himself was before him in the order of time, to prepare the way for Christ, according to the testimony of Malachi,

Behold, I send my messenger before my face, ( Malachi 3:1 .)

Again, when he says that he was preferred to himself , this relates to the glory with which God adorned his Son, when he came into the world to fulfill the office of a Redeemer. At last, the reason is added, which is, that Christ is far superior in dignity to John the Baptist. That honor, therefore, which the Father bestowed upon him was not accidental, but was due to his eternal majesty. But of this expression, he was preferred to me , because he was before me , I have already Spoken. (37)

Comentário de Thomas Coke

João 1:30 . Pois ele estava diante de mim. Porque ele existia antes de mim. Ver João 1:15 .

Referências Cruzadas

Lucas 3:16 – João respondeu a todos: “Eu os batizo com água. Mas virá alguém mais poderoso do que eu, tanto que não sou digno nem de curvar-me e desamarrar as correias das suas sandálias. Ele os batizará com o Espírito Santo e com fogo.

João 1:15 – João dá testemunho dele. Ele exclama: “Este é aquele de quem eu falei: Aquele que vem depois de mim é superior a mim, porque já existia antes de mim”.

João 1:27 – Ele é aquele que vem depois de mim, cujas correias das sandálias não sou digno de desamarrar”.

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