Estudo de Salmos 78:68 – Comentado e Explicado

Mas escolheu a de Judá e o monte Sião, monte de predileção.
Salmos 78:68

Comentário de Albert Barnes

But chose the tribe of Judah – He chose David of the tribe of Judah as ruler and king; he chose a place within the limits of Judah, to wit, Mount Zion, or Jerusalem, as the place where his worship was to be celebrated. Thus, the ancient prediction in regard to the supremacy of Judah was accomplished. Genesis 49:8-10 .

The Mount Zion, which he loved – Which he chose, for which he had an affection. Compare Psalm 87:2 .

Comentário de E.W. Bullinger

que Ele amou. A prova disso foi a remoção da Arca para Sião.

Comentário de John Calvin

68. Mas ele escolheu a tribo de Judá. The meaning is, that God preferred the tribe of Judah to all the rest of the people, and chose from it a king, whom he might set over all the Israelites as well as the Jews. And he chose the mountain of Zion, appointing a certain spot upon it to be the seat of his sanctuary. That the cause of this choice might not be sought any where else but in God, it is particularly stated that the preferring of mount Zion to all other places, and the enriching of it in such a distinguished manner, proceeded entirely from the free and unmerited love of God. The relative which is here put instead of the causal adverb for; the meaning being, that the sanctuary of God was established there, not for any worthiness of the place, but solely because it was the good pleasure of God. It was proper that this second restitution of the people should be no less free than their first adoption was, when God made his covenant with Abraham, or when he delivered them from the land of Egypt. God’s love to the place had a respect to men. From this it follows, that the Church has been gathered together from the beginning, and in all ages, by the pure grace and goodness of God; for never have men been found to possess any intrinsic meritorious claims to his regard, and the Church is too precious to be left to depend upon the power of men.

Comentário de John Wesley

Mas escolheu a tribo de Judá, o monte Sião, que ele amava.

Escolheu – Para o assento da arca e da adoração de Deus.

Referências Cruzadas

Gênesis 49:8 – “Judá, seus irmãos o louvarão, sua mão estará sobre o pescoço dos seus inimigos; os filhos de seu pai se curvarão diante de você.

Rute 4:17 – As mulheres da vizinhança celebraram o seu nome e disseram: “Noemi tem um filho! ” e lhe deram o nome de Obede. Este foi o pai de Jessé, pai de Davi.

1 Samuel 16:1 – O Senhor disse a Samuel: “Até quando você irá se entristecer por causa de Saul? Eu o rejeitei como rei de Israel. Encha um chifre com óleo e vá a Belém; eu o enviarei a Jessé. Escolhi um de seus filhos para ser rei”.

2 Crônicas 6:6 – Mas, agora, escolhi Jerusalém para o meu nome ali estar e escolhi Davi para governar Israel, o meu povo’.

Salmos 87:2 – o Senhor ama as portas de Sião mais do que qualquer outro lugar de Jacó.

Salmos 132:12 – Se os seus filhos forem fiéis à minha aliança e aos testemunhos que eu lhes ensino, também os filhos deles o sucederão no trono para sempre”.

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