Estudo de Hebreus 10:8 – Comentado e Explicado

Disse primeiro: Tu não quiseste, tu não recebeste com agrado os sacrifícios nem as ofertas, nem os holocaustos, nem as vítimas pelo pecado {quer dizer, as imolações legais}.
Hebreus 10:8

Comentário de Albert Barnes

Above when he said – That is, the Messiah. The word “above” refers here to the former part of the quotation. That is, “having in the former part of what was quoted said that God did not require sacrifices, in the latter part he says that he came to do the will of God in the place of them.”

Sacrifice and offering, and burnt-offerings … – These words are not all used in the Psalm from which the apostle quotes, but the idea is, that the specification there included all kinds of offerings. The apostle dwells upon it because it was important to show that the same remark applied to all the sacrifices which could be offered by man. When the Redeemer made the observation about the inefficacy of sacrifices, he meant that there was none of them which would be sufficient to take away sin.

Comentário de E.W. Bullinger

Sacrifício, oferenda . As palavras gregas estão no plural

por . Veja Hebreus 9:19 .

Comentário de Thomas Coke

Hebreus 10: 8 . Pela lei; Ou seja, de acordo com a lei.

Comentário de John Wesley

Acima, quando ele disse: Sacrifício, oferta e ofertas queimadas e oferta pelo pecado não quiseste nem teve prazer nela; que são oferecidos por lei;

Acima, quando ele disse: Sacrifício, você não escolheu – Ou seja, quando o salmista pronunciou essas palavras em seu nome.

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