Estudo de 1 Coríntios 7:16 – Comentado e Explicado

Aliás, como sabes tu, ó mulher, se salvarás o teu marido? Ou como sabes tu, ó marido, se salvarás a tua mulher?
1 Coríntios 7:16

Comentário de Albert Barnes

For what knowest thou … – The apostle here assigns a reason why the believing party should not separate from the other needlessly, or why he should not desire to be separated. The reason is, the possibility, or the probability, that the unbelieving party might be converted by the example and entreaties of the other.

Whether then … – How do you know “but” this may be done? Is there not a possibility, nay a probability of it, and is not this a sufficient reason for continuing together?

Save thy husband – Gain him over to the Christian faith; be the means of his conversion and salvation. compare Romans 11:26 . We learn from this verse:

(1) That there is a possibility that an unbelieving partner in life may be converted by the example of the other.

(2) That this should be an object of intense interest to the Christian husband or wife, because:

(a)It will promote the happiness of the other;

(b)It will promote their usefulness;

(c)It will be the means of blessing their family, for parents should be united on the subject of religion, and in their example and influence in training up their sons and daughters; e,

(d)Because the salvation of a beloved husband or wife should be an object of intense interest,

(3) This object is of so much importance that the Christian should be willing to submit to much, to bear much, and to bear long, in order that it may be accomplished. Paul said that it was desirable even to live with a pagan partner to do it; and so also it is desirable to bear much, very much, with even an unkind and fretful temper, with an unfaithful and even an intemperate husband, or with a perverse and peevish wife, if there is a prospect that they may be converted.

(4) this same direction is elsewhere given; 1 Peter 3:1-2 .

(5) it is often done. It is not hopeless. Many a wife has thus been the means of saving a husband; many a husband has been the means of the salvation of the wife – In regard to the means by which this is to be hoped for, we may observe that it is not by a harsh, fretful, complaining temper; it is to be by kindness, and tenderness, and love. It is to be by an exemplification of the excellency of religion by example; by patience when provoked, meekness when injured, love when despised, forbearance when words of harshness and irritation are used, and by showing how a Christian can live, and what is the true nature of religion; by kind and affectionate conversation when alone, when the heart is tender, when calamities visit the family, and when the thoughts are drawn along by the events of Providence toward death. Not by harshness or severity of manner, is the result to be hoped for, but by tender entreaty, and mildness of life, and by prayer. Pre eminently this is to be used. When a husband will not hear, God can hear; when he is angry, morose, or unkind, God is gentle, tender, and kind; and when a husband or a wife turn away from the voice of gentle entreaty, God’s ear is open, and God is ready to hear and to bless. Let one thing guide the life. We are never to cease to set a Christian example; never to cease to live as a Christian should live; never to cease to pray fervently to the God of grace, that the partner of our lives may be brought under the full influence of Christian truth, and meet us in the enjoyments of heaven.

Comentário de E.W. Bullinger

conhecedor . App-132.

se = se. App-118.

homem = marido, como acima. Aqui estão as figuras da fala Antimetatesis e Apostrophe. App-6.

Comentário de John Calvin

16. For what knowest thou, O woman? Those who are of opinion that this observation is a confirmation of the second department of his statement, expound it thus. “An uncertain hope ought not to detain thee,” etc. But, in my opinion, the exhortation is taken from the advantage to be derived; for it is a great and distinguished blessing if a wife gain ( 1 Corinthians 9:19 ) her husband. Now, unbelievers are not in so hopeless a condition but that they may be brought to believe. They are dead, it is true, but God can even raise the dead. So long, therefore, as there remains any hope of doing good, and the pious wife knows not but that she may by her holy conversation ( 1 Peter 3:1 ) bring back her husband into the way, (404) she ought to try every means before leaving him; for so long as a man’s salvation is doubtful, it becomes us to be prepared rather to hope the best.

As to his saying, however, that a husband may be saved by his wife , the expression, it is true, is not strictly accurate, as he ascribes to man what belongs to God; but there is no absurdity in it. For as God acts efficaciously by his instruments which he makes use of, he does, in a manner, communicate his power to them, or, at least, he connects it with their service in such a manner, that what he does he speaks of as being done by them, and hence, too, he sometimes ascribes to them the honor which is due to himself alone. Let us, however, bear in mind, that we have nothing in our power, except in so far as we are directed by him as instruments.

Comentário de Adam Clarke

Pelo que você sabe, ó esposa – Você que é cristão, e que tem companheiros pagãos, não os desista porque são assim, pois você pode se tornar o meio de salvá-los para a vida eterna. Carregue sua cruz e olhe para Deus, e ele pode dar seu marido ou esposa incrédulo às suas orações.

Comentário de Thomas Coke

1 Coríntios 7: 16-17 . Pelo que você sabe, etc. – Continue com seus cônjuges infiéis que estão dispostos a morar com você; pois como sabes, ó esposa cristã , se converterás o teu marido (ver 1 Pedro 3: 1. ) e como sabes, ó marido cristão , se converterás a tua esposa, se continuar com ela. Mas, embora esse não deva ser o caso, ainda assim, como Deus distribuiu a cada um o seu quinhão, e no estado em que o Senhor Cristo chamou cada um, continue assim, cumprindo o seu objetivo, a menos que mudemos legalmente sua condição. E assim em todas as igrejas que eu ordeno.

Comentário de Scofield

Salve ?

(Veja Scofield “ Romanos 1:16 “) .

Referências Cruzadas

Provérbios 11:30 – O fruto da retidão é árvore de vida, e aquele que conquista almas é sábio.

Lucas 15:10 – Eu lhes digo que, da mesma forma, há alegria na presença dos anjos de Deus por um pecador que se arrepende”.

1 Coríntios 9:22 – Para com os fracos tornei-me fraco, para ganhar os fracos. Tornei-me tudo para com todos, para de alguma forma salvar alguns.

1 Timóteo 4:16 – Atente bem para a sua própria vida e para a doutrina, perseverando nesses deveres, pois, fazendo isso, você salvará tanto a si mesmo quanto aos que o ouvem.

Tiago 5:19 – Meus irmãos, se algum de vocês se desviar da verdade e alguém o trouxer de volta,

1 Pedro 3:1 – Do mesmo modo, mulheres, sujeitem-se a seus maridos, a fim de que, se alguns deles não obedecem à palavra, sejam ganhos sem palavras, pelo procedimento de sua mulher,

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