Estudo de Mateus 21:42 – Comentado e Explicado

Jesus acrescentou: Nunca lestes nas Escrituras: A pedra rejeitada pelos construtores tornou-se a pedra angular; isto é obra do Senhor, e é admirável aos nossos olhos {Sl 117,22}?
Mateus 21:42

Comentário de Albert Barnes

, Mateus 21:43

Jesus disse … – Jesus, levando-os a admitir a justiça do grande “princípio” sobre o qual Deus estava prestes a agir em relação a eles, passa a aplicá-lo por um texto das Escrituras, declarando que exatamente isso em que eles admitiram ser apropriados o caso dos “lavradores” havia sido previsto respeitando-se.

Esta passagem é encontrada no Salmo 118: 22-23 . Foi aplicável primeiro a Davi, mas não menos a Jesus.

A pedra – A figura é tirada da construção de uma casa. A principal pedra para o tamanho e a beleza é a que geralmente é colocada como a pedra angular.

Que os construtores rejeitaram – Por falta de beleza ou tamanho, ela foi deixada de lado ou considerada imprópria como pedra angular. Isso representa o Senhor Jesus, proposto aos judeus como fundamento ou pedra angular sobre a qual construir a igreja, mas rejeitado por eles – os construtores – por causa de sua falta de beleza ou beleza; isto é, do que eles consideravam agradável ou desejável, Isaías 53: 2-3 .

O mesmo se tornou … – Embora rejeitado por eles, Deus o escolheu e o fez o fundamento da igreja. Cristo é freqüentemente comparado a uma pedra, uma pedra angular, um provado, isto é, um alicerce seguro e firme – tudo em alusão ao costume de construir, Atos 4:11 ; Romanos 9:33 ; Efésios 2:20 ; 1 Pedro 2: 7 .

O que o Senhor fez – A nomeação de Jesus de Nazaré para ser o fundamento da igreja é provada por milagre e profecia como obra de Deus.

Maravilhoso aos nossos olhos – Maravilhoso aos olhos de seu povo. Que ele deveria escolher seu único Filho – que ele se abaixasse tanto, fosse desprezado, rejeitado e condenado à morte – que Deus o levantasse e edificasse uma igreja sobre esse fundamento, abraçando tanto os gentios quanto os judeus, e espalhando-se por todo o mundo, é um assunto de admiração e louvor a todos os remidos.

Comentário de Joseph Benson

Matthew 21:42-43 . Jesus saith unto them — Luke says, eµß?e?a? a?t??? , e?pe , having looked on them, namely, with great compassion and solemnity in his countenance, he said, Did ye never read, or never reflect upon this remarkable passage in the Scriptures, The stone which the builders refused, &c.? — As if he had said, If the vineyard is not to be taken from you and given to others, what is the meaning of these words? Do they not plainly foretel that the Messiah shall be rejected by the Jewish great men, their teachers and rulers, the builders of their church and commonwealth, and that, though they put him to death, he shall become the head of the corner, or the head of the church? Now, what else is this but that he shall be believed on by the Gentiles, and unite them to the Church of God, as a head cornerstone unites the two sides of a building? This is the Lord’s doing, and it is marvellous, &c. — The rejection of the Messiah by the Jews, his reception among the Gentiles, and their admission into the church, are all very wonderful events, brought to pass by the singular providence of God. Therefore, because God himself has long ago expressly foretold that this judgment will happen to you; and because it is a most righteous and equitable judgment, I tell you plainly, the kingdom of God — Which you have thus vilely and ungratefully contemned and abused, shall be taken from you, and given to a nation, &c. — That is, the gospel of Christ shall be taken from you, and carried to the Gentiles, who will have more regard to the favour shown them, and improve it much better than you have done. It is justly observed by Dr. Campbell, “that this is one of the clearest predictions of the rejection of the Jews and of the call of the Gentiles, which we have in this history.”

Comentário de E.W. Bullinger

Você nunca leu, & c. ? Veja App-117e App-.

A Pedra, etc. Citado nos Salmos 118: 22 . Compare Atos 4: 10-12 . Veja App-107.

o SENHOR “S = Jeová”. App-98. Literalmente “de Jeová” .

Comentário de John Calvin

42. Have you never read in the Scriptures? We must remember what we said a little before, that, as the priests and scribes kept the people devoted to them, it was a principle current among them, that they alone were competent to judge and decide as to the future redemption, so that no one ought to be received as Messiah, unless he were approved and sanctioned by their voice. They therefore maintain that what Christ had said is impossible, that they would slay the son and heir of the proprietor of the vineyard. But Christ confirms his statement by the testimony of Scripture, and the interrogation is emphatic, as if he had said, “You reckon it highly absurd to say that it is possible for the vine dressers to conspire wickedly against the Son of God. But what then? Did the Scripture ( Psalms 118:22 ) foretell that he would be received with joy, and favor, and applause; or did it not, on the contrary, foretell that the rulers themselves would oppose him?”

The passage which he quotes is taken from the same psalm from which had been taken that joyful exclamation, (50) Save, (51) O Lord. Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord. That it is a prediction of the reign of the Messiah is evident from this consideration, that David was appointed by God to be king, on the condition that his throne would remain forever, so long as the sun and moon would shine in heaven, and that, when decayed, it would again be restored by the favor of God to its former prosperity. Since, therefore, that psalm contains a description of the reign of David, there is also added the perpetuity of it, on which the restoration depends. If the discourse had related to any temporal reign, Christ would have acted improperly in applying it to himself. But we must also observe what sort of reign God raised up in the person of David. It was that which He would establish in the true Messiah to the end of the world; for that ancient anointing was but a shadow. Hence we infer that what was done in the person of David was a prelude and figure of Christ.

Let us now return to the words of the psalm. The scribes and priests reckoned it incredible that Christ should be rejected (52) by the rulers of the Church. But he proves from the psalm, that he would be placed on his throne by the wonderful power of God, contrary to the will of men, and that this had already been shadowed out in David, whom, though rejected by the nobles, God took to give an instance and proof of what he would at length do in his Christ. The prophet takes the metaphor from buildings; for, since the Church is God’s sanctuary, Christ, on whom it is founded, is justly called the corner stone; that is, the stone which supports the whole weight of the building. If one were to examine minutely every thing that relates to Christ, the comparison would not apply in every part; but it is perfectly appropriate, for on him the salvation of the Church rests, and by him its condition is preserved. And therefore the other prophets followed the same form of expression, particularly Isaiah and Daniel. But Isaiah makes the closest allusion to this passage, when he represents God as thus speaking,

Lo, I lay in Zion a foundation-stone, a precious and elect stone, against which both houses of Israel shall stumble!
Isaiah 28:16 .)

The same mode of expression frequently occurs in the New Testament.

The amount of it therefore is, that the kingdom of God will be founded on a stone, which the builders themselves will reject as unsuitable and useless; and the meaning is, that the Messiah, who is the foundation of the safety of the Church, will not be chosen by the ordinary suffrages of men, but that, when God shall miraculously raise him up by a secret and unknown power, the rulers, to whom has been committed the care of the building, will oppose and persecute him. There are two things here which we ought to consider. First, that we may not be perplexed by the wicked attempts of men, who rise up to hinder the reign of Christ, God has warned us beforehand that this will happen. Secondly, whatever may be the contrivances of men, God has at the same time declared, that in setting up the kingdom of Christ, His power will be victorious. Both ought to be carefully observed by us. It appears to be monstrous that the Author of salvation should be rejected, not by strangers, but by those who belonged to his own household, — not by the ignorant multitude, but by the rulers themselves, who hold the government of the Church. Against such strange madness of men our faith ought to be fortified, that it may not give way through the novelty of the occurrence. We now perceive how useful that prediction is, which relieves godly minds from the terror that would otherwise be produced by the mournful spectacle. For nothing is more unreasonable than that the members should rise up against the head, the vine-dressers against the proprietor, the counselors against their king, and that the builders should reject the foundation of the building.

That stone is made the head of the corner. Still more emphatic is this clause, in which God declares that the wicked, by rejecting Christ, will avail nothing, but that his rank will remain unimpaired. The design of it is, that believers, relying on that promise, may safely look down with contempt and derision on the wicked pride of men; for when they have made all their contrivances, Christ will still, ill opposition to their wishes, retain the place which the Father has appointed to him. How fiercely soever he may be assailed by those who appear to possess honor and dignity, he will nevertheless remain in his own rank, and will abate nothing on account of their wicked contempt. In short, the authority of God will prevail, that he may be the elect and precious stone, which supports the Church of God, his kingdom and temple. The stone is said to be made the head of the corner, not that he is only a part of the building, (since it is evident from other passages that the Church is entirely founded on Him alone,) but the prophet merely intended to state that he will be the chief support of the building. Some go into ingenious arguments about the word corner, that Christ is placed in the corner, because he unites two separate walls, the Gentiles and Jews. But in my opinion, David meant nothing more than that the corner-stone supports the chief weight of the building.

It may now be asked, How does the Spirit call those men builders, who are so strongly bent on the ruin and destruction of the temple of God? For Paul boasts of having been an honest builder, because he founded the Church on Christ alone, ( 1 Corinthians 3:10 .) The answer is easy. Though they are unfaithful in the execution of the office committed to them, yet he gives them this title with respect to their calling. Thus the name prophet is often given to deceivers, and those who devour the flock like wolves are called pastors. And so far is this from conferring honor on them, that it renders them detestable, when they utterly overthrow the temple of God, which they were appointed to build. Hence we draw a useful warning, that the lawful calling does not prevent those who ought to have been the ministers of Christ from being sometimes his base and wicked enemies. The legal priesthood had certainly been appointed by God, and the Lord had bestowed on the Levites permission to govern the Church. Did they therefore discharge their office faithfully? or ought the godly to have obeyed them by renouncing Christ?

Let the Pope now go with his mitered bishops, and let them boast that they ought to be believed in all things, because they occupy the place of pastors. Even granting that they were lawfully called to the government of the Church, yet they have no right to claim any thing more than to hold the title of prelates of the Church. But even the title of calling does not belong to them; for, in order to raise them to that tyranny, it would be necessary that the whole order of the Church should be overturned. And even though they might justly claim ordinary jurisdiction, yet, if they overturn the sacred house of God, it is only in name that they must be reckoned builders. Nor does it always happen that Christ is rejected by those who are entrusted with the government of the Church; for not only were there many godly priests under the Law, but also, under the reign of Christ, there are some pastors who labor diligently and honestly in building the Church; but as it was necessary that this prediction should be fulfilled, that the builders should reject the stone, wisdom must be exercised in distinguishing between them. And the Holy Spirit has expressly warned us, that none may be mistaken as to an empty title or the dignity of calling.

This has been done by the Lord, As it is a matter too far removed from the ordinary judgment of men, that the pastors of the Church should themselves reject the Son of God from being their Prince, the prophet refers it to the secret purpose of God, which, though we cannot comprehend it by our senses, we ought to contemplate and admire. Let us therefore understand, that this cuts short every question, and that every man is expressly forbidden to judge and measure the nature of Christ’s kingdom by the reason of the flesh; for what folly is it to wish to subject to the capacity of our mind a miracle which the prophet exhorts us to adore? Will you then receive nothing but what appears to yourself to be probable, in reference to the kingdom of Christ, the commencement of which the Holy Spirit declares to be a mystery worthy of the highest admiration, because it is concealed from the eyes of men? So then, whenever the question relates to the origin, restoration, condition, and the whole safety of the Church, we must not consult our senses, (53) but must honor the power of God by admiring his hidden work. (54) There is also an implied contrast between God and men; for not only are we commanded to embrace the wonderful method of governing the Church, because it is the work of God, but we are likewise withdrawn from a foolish reverence for men, which frequently obscures the glow of God; as if the prophet had said, that however magnificent may be the titles which men bear, it is wicked in any man to oppose them to God.

This furnishes a refutation of the diabolical wickedness of the Papists, who do not scruple to prefer to the word of God a decision of their pretended Church. For on what does the authority of the word of God depend, according to them, but on the opinion of men, so that no more power is left to God than what the Church is pleased to allow him? Far otherwise does the Spirit instruct us by this passage namely, that as soon as the majesty of God (55) appears, the whole world ought to be silent.

Comentário de Adam Clarke

A pedra – R. Solom. Jarchi, em Miquéias 5: 1-15 , diz que esta pedra significa o Messias: Ab?? ??? : Abarbanel é da mesma opinião. Isso parece ter sido originalmente falado por Davi, que foi inicialmente rejeitado pelos governantes judeus, mas depois foi escolhido pelo Senhor para ser o grande governante do seu povo Israel. A citação é retirada do Salmo 118: 22 .

Como a Igreja é representada nas Escrituras sob o nome do templo e casa de Deus, em alusão ao templo de Jerusalém, que era um tipo disso, 1 Coríntios 3:16 ; Hebreus 3: 6 ; 1 Pedro 2: 5 ; então Jesus Cristo é representado como o fundamento sobre o qual esse edifício é assentado, 1 Coríntios 3:11 ; Efésios 2:20 , Efésios 2:21 .

Os construtores – Os principais sacerdotes e anciãos do povo, com os doutores da lei.

Rejeitado – Uma expressão emprestada de pedreiros, que, encontrando uma pedra, que é provada em um determinado lugar, e que parece imprópria para ela, é jogada de lado e outra tomada; no entanto, finalmente, pode acontecer que a própria pedra que antes fora rejeitada possa ser considerada a mais adequada como a pedra principal da esquina.

Esta passagem, aplicada por nosso Senhor a si mesmo, contém um resumo de toda a doutrina do Evangelho.

  1. O trabalho peculiar do Senhor é surpreendentemente manifestado na missão de Jesus Cristo.
  • Ele, sendo rejeitado e crucificado pelos judeus, tornou-se uma expiação pelos pecados do mundo.
  • Ele ressuscitou dos mortos, uma prova de sua conquista sobre a morte e o pecado e uma promessa de imortalidade para seus seguidores.
  • Ele foi constituído o fundamento sobre o qual repousa a salvação da humanidade, e a pedra da esquina que une judeus e gentios, embeleza, fortalece e completa todo o edifício, como a pedra principal ou a pedra mais alta do canto faz todo o edifício.
  • 5. Deste modo, ele é objeto da alegria e admiração de todos os seus seguidores e da glória do homem. Isso foi feito pelo Senhor e é maravilhoso aos nossos olhos.

    Comentário de Scofield


    Jeová. Salmos 118: 23 .

    Comentário de John Wesley

    Disse-lhes Jesus: Nunca lestes nas escrituras: A pedra que os construtores rejeitaram tornou-se a cabeça da esquina: isto é obra do Senhor, e é maravilhoso aos nossos olhos?

    Os construtores – Os escribas e sacerdotes, cujo escritório era edificar a Igreja.

    Tornou-se a cabeça da esquina – Ou a principal pedra da esquina: ele se tornou o fundamento da Igreja, sobre a qual repousa todo o edifício, e é a principal pedra da esquina, por unir os gentios a ela, como a principal pedra da esquina da uma casa apóia e une seus dois lados. Salmo 118: 22 .

    Referências Cruzadas

    Salmos 118:22 – A pedra que os construtores rejeitaram tornou-se a pedra angular.

    Isaías 28:16 – Por isso diz o Soberano Senhor: “Eis que ponho em Sião uma pedra, uma pedra já experimentada, uma preciosa pedra angular para alicerce seguro; aquele que confia, jamais será abalado.

    Habacuque 1:5 – “Olhem as nações e contemplem-nas, fiquem atônitos e pasmem; pois nos dias de vocês farei algo em que não creriam, se lhes fosse contado.

    Zacarias 3:8 – ” ‘Ouçam bem, sumo sacerdote Josué e seus companheiros sentados diante de você, homens que prefiguram coisas que virão: Vou trazer o meu servo, o Renovo.

    Mateus 21:16 – e lhe perguntaram: “Não estás ouvindo o que estas crianças estão dizendo? ” Respondeu Jesus: “Sim, vocês nunca leram: ‘dos lábios das crianças e dos recém-nascidos suscitaste louvor’? “

    Marcos 12:10 – Vocês nunca leram esta passagem das Escrituras? ‘A pedra que os construtores rejeitaram tornou-se a pedra angular;

    Lucas 20:17 – Jesus olhou fixamente para eles e perguntou: “Então, qual é o significado do que está escrito? ‘A pedra que os construtores rejeitaram tornou-se a pedra angular’.

    Atos dos Apóstolos 4:11 – Este Jesus é ‘a pedra que vocês, construtores, rejeitaram, e que se tornou a pedra angular’.

    Atos dos Apóstolos 13:40 – Cuidem para que não lhes aconteça o que disseram os profetas:

    Romanos 9:33 – Como está escrito: “Eis que ponho em Sião uma pedra de tropeço e uma rocha que faz cair; e aquele que nela confia jamais será envergonhado”.

    Efésios 2:20 – edificados sobre o fundamento dos apóstolos e dos profetas, tendo Jesus Cristo como pedra angular,

    Efésios 3:3 – isto é, o mistério que me foi dado a conhecer por revelação, como já lhes escrevi brevemente.

    1 Pedro 2:4 – À medida que se aproximam dele, a pedra viva — rejeitada pelos homens, mas escolhida por Deus e preciosa para ele —

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